
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A Farewell Dinner

 A couple of nights ago we attended a small farewell dinner party for our friend and his family. They weren't moving very far actually - Besut. It was at an Arab restaurant at Gong Badak (El Edrus). The menu was naturally 'nasi mandy' (or whatever 'mandy' - with chicken and mutton) I bet people always imagine that it’s something to do with a bath ('mandi' being 'bathe' in Malay – I do, anyway..) The meal was not bad... but I couldn’t eat that much as usual as night time is not meal time for me. And even the others couldn't manage to finish and we had to pack the leftovers to take home. Arab restaurants seem to have sprung up (err..reminds me of Arab Spring..but hmm..that’s another entry..) like wild mushrooms in Malaysia. Even in Kuala Terengganu – way out of the way from KL, is no exception. But I supposed it’s the quality that matters. Like our friend, Kak Pah, an Arab descendent; she didn’t care much for the food, said the rice not soft enough.. and frankly you may not want to order 2 servings if there’re 2 of you eating because one serving is way..too much, for the hubby and I anyway. Well, here're some pictures of the dinner:

All those for 9 people
Should eat more of this..
Guests digging in..
After dinner speech
More speeches..
Farewell gift for Hamidah - happened to be her birthday that day

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