
Friday, October 22, 2010

Another Granchild!

A second grandson was borne today, 22nd Oct.. Our daughter-in-law was due 2 days ago and we were actually anticipating a 'glamorous' birth-date of 20/10/2010 or at least 19/10 which is his father's birth-date. (his elder brother, Umayr shares the same birth-date as their mom ; 31/1). Ammar, though, decided to arrive 2 days late but it's ok, mother and son are doing fine... This time around Banglong will have to cope on his own with the daughter-in-law's confinement and looking after Umayr. When Umayr was borne Banglong's mom-in-law stayed for a month in Adelaide taking care of things. However, she couldn't make it this time and as for me; next to impossible due to work.. I remembered when MY babies were borne, the hubby coped wonderfully without any help. The first two boys were borne in Cardif, UK. No help from home, then. Kak lang was borne in Sungai Petani 7 days through Ramadhan. Both mothers had responsibilities due to Eid-ul-fitr preparation or something like that, but I can't remember being waited on! And the youngest was borne in Kota Kinabalu; my late Mom only came for a few days to visit. So looks like Banglong will have to learn coping on his own.. just like his old Dad! Anyway, here are some pics that I got from Banglong's facebook:

Big brother probably wondering who on earth is this little guy that Mom and Dad are fussing so much about?
Looking serene and contented, and only less than a day old..
Can't resist uploading this picture of Umayr - so smart and handsome!

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